An Online Gaming Group
19th July, 2000 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
It was afternoon the next day by the time everyone was up, and after everyone checked their e-mail, the group took a trip to get their usual breakfast of Big Macs. Once back at Strac's place UT was played using both his and his brother's computers. Everyone agreed to let Strac win, as he'd done so poorly at pool the day before. Later, pizza was ordered, collected and eaten, as well as a few beers being drunk. After the food the Diuturnals once again caught a bus downtown to sample the famous nightlife of Amsterdam. The first destination was the most famous of Amsterdam's tourist areas and a haven for British males, the red light district. Here the Diuturnals wandered amongst the streets of doorways filled with women selling their wares. At 50 NLG (about £15) a throw, most of the Diuturnals were slightly tempted by some of the many semi-naked attractive women highlighted by the red hue, Kntajus however found them all a little too old for his liking. In the end all of the group were far too sober to take up any of their offers. A trip to the banana bar was also a possibility, but at 75 NLG it was decided it was too expensive.
After seeing the sights the group decided it was time for some refreshments and headed to the Rembrandtplein and ended up at a cafe called Diesel. Here a few rounds were drunk and a quiz machine was played, with the knowledgeable foursome coming top in the Star Trek category. Later the Diuturnals left and headed to the Palace, apparently a haven for transvestites, however none were spotted. More beverages were bought and consumed and the intrepid foursome spent the rest of the night here and various other bars around the Rembrandtplein. Unfortunately all too soon it was 4:30 and therefore closing time and the Diuturnals began the long walk back to Strac's house, stopping for some local late night cuisine from Febo (an eat out of the wall, self-service place.) Eventually the group arrived at their destination and settled down for the day.
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